One of the 20th century’s most renowned dancers, teachers, and choreographers, Lucas Hoving (1912-2000) was the son of a butcher in Groningen, Holland. He performed with Yvonne Georgi and Kurt Jooss in the late 1930s before emigrating to New York, where he performed with Martha Graham, Valerie Bettis, and on Broadway. In 1949, he forged the most important creative relationship of his career with José Limón, becoming a charter member of the Limón Company and creating roles in classics including The Moor’s Pavane, The Traitor, and There is a Time. With Limón, he also originated roles in works by Doris Humphrey and Pauline Koner, and collaborated with his wife, Lavina Nielsen, on several works. He directed his own company throughout the 1960s, creating the widely admired Icarus which is referenced in the autobiographical solo seen here.
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