Inventing Kyle Abraham
Kyle Abraham’s "Inventing Pookie Jenkins" provides a lens to understand the choreographer’s career, recent commissions and future creative trajectory.
I Want to Dance Better at Parties
Chunky Move’s I Want to Dance Better at Parties uses a common anxiety—the fear of dancing poorly in public—to illustrate how masculinity is performed in social spaces.
Reflections on José Limón
Mexican-American modern dancer and choreographer José Limón played an instrumental and lasting role in defining the genre. This essay considers how Limón's dances with elements from his Mexican heritage shed light on how he navigated belonging and identity in his work.
John Heginbotham and Dancing Like Robots Moving Like Humans
The robotic duets of John Heginbotham can help make sense of longstanding questions in the humanities, literature, and science fiction.
Ronald K. Brown/EVIDENCE
This exploration of Brown's earliest Pillow performances considers themes of faith, family, and same-sex desire, as well as formative African and Cuban influences.
Cunningham Stream and Pillow Rock
Not only did Merce Cunningham's career intersect with Jacob's Pillow throughout the decades, but his final days are now inextricably linked to his company's last Pillow engagement.
Ted Shawn and The Defense of the Male Dancer
This essay provides an overview of Ted Shawn’s choreography for men and its place within his lifelong mission to establish dance as a respectable profession for men in the United States.
The Haunting of Adam Weinert by Ted Shawn
Recent performances of Ted Shawn’s repertory by choreographer Adam Weinert pose questions of how dances relate to the times in which they’re performed.
Explore Other Themes
What is Dance?
Curated by
Maura Keefe
Women in Dance
Curated by
Maura Keefe
Dance of the African Diaspora
Curated by
John Perpener
Dance and Society
Curated by
Jennifer Edwards
Curated by
Brian Seibert